Rates vary based upon each project, its unique merits and risk factors. We'll work with you to help you obtain the best option for your projects.
  • UNIQUE PROJECTS = CUSTOMIZED RATES​- Due to the unique nature of each project, we have to analyze each project based on the specific details of the deal.
  • UNIQUE BORROWERS = CUSTOMIZED RATES - Your company and you are different from every other businesses out there. As such, we evaluate the rates based on your specific situations.
  • UNIQUE CUSTOMERS = CUSTOMIZED RATES - Each project has different customers (government agencies). In our view, federal agencies are more likely to get favorable rates and funding from us as compared to a local municipalities.
  • UNIQUE RISKS = CUSTOMIZED RATES - The level of risks associated with your project may impact what the final rate will be. The more we get to know your business, the more options will be available.
  • UNIQUE FUNDING SOURCES = CUSTOMIZED RATES - We have in-house and private funding sources who understand the government market. Rates depend on the sources we utilized to support your project.
Our goal is to establish a long term relationship with you so we can be part of your growth. The types of fees listed below will give you an overview of what to expect once you're ready to receive funding from us. 

As with the rates, the fee amount is unique to each project. The items listed below are the fees associated with each loan closing.
  • Simple Interest Fee - The interest cost for the loan
  • Origination Fee​- The administrative & processing cost
  • Servicing Fee - The monthly loan servicing cost
Don't wait until you need funding, get pre-qualified ahead of time.

Complete the form on the right side to get the funding process started.
There is no obligation from you or from us. This will simply let us know that you're interested in seeking funding from us.

One of our funding specialists will review your request and set up a time to thoroughly go over how our funding program work. This is the perfect time for you to ask all of your questions.
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